Mobilna blagajna je v današnjih časih nujen pripomoček. Še posebej nepogrešljiva je med tistimi, ki delajo vsakodnevno na terenu (prodaja), v salonih, butikih, na stojnicah, v avtohišah (avtomehaniki, avtoličarji),v lokalih, klubih, društvih, na koncertih, prireditvah ali športnih dogodkih, ali pa so dostavljavci določenih paketov, drugega materiala. Mobilna blagajna je torej izredno priročen pripomoček, ki pa…
Category: Nekategorizirano
EggBOX is fully mobile tax cash register. This allows you to easily, quickly and above all reliable cashier operations. This mobile tax cash register is a solution or offers everything in one, as it combines everything you need. This is, of course, a cash register, a program or computer, a mobile modem and a built-in…
Eggos is the name of an innovative company where they are engaged in the development and also the sale of the best software. They offer complete software solutions for you, for all services as well as for trade activities. At Eggos, they boast a team of experts from various fields and fields of knowledge. In…